Global Student Centre

Due Diligence of Applications are an important part of the Enrolment process. They provide a sense of security for universities and can help to weed out any potentially dangerous applicants. But Due Diligence is a time-consuming, important tasks that take up valuable internal resources. Outsourcing your Due Diligence to Global Student Centre can help you save the valuable resources and the associated time. 

Due Diligence of Applications makes the enrolment process a lot faster and more efficient, as background checking companies have the necessary tools and resources in performing various checks faster.

Outsourcing your Due Diligence will also have a positive effect on the diversity of students you need, and would also provide a positive remark with your respective country’s immigration, and have a greater sense of security, as they know that Due Diligence checks are being carried out by a reputed organization that is an expert in this field.

Global Student Centre’s Due Diligence division drives on the following KPIs

  1. 48 hours Due Diligence results for SLAs
  2. Accuracy
  3. Identification of critical parameters based on University and Government legislations
  4. Detailed reporting
  5. Supporting Admissions team
  6. Evaluation to provide security to Institutions Sponsorship license
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