A university’s brand reputation can be described as the way in which outsiders perceive an institution’s identity, character and message.
Having a strong brand reputation can help a university stand out from the competition and attract talented staff, students and stakeholders.
There are many factors that can strengthen the branding of an institution, from choice of marketing imagery, design and message to academic prestige and strength in particular areas of the higher education experience.
Since 2020 coronavirus pandemic has been an incredibly challenging time for both staff and students, with both demographics facing significant changes including a rapid transition to online learning and international travel restrictions disrupting study abroad plans.
The way in which a university has supported its current and prospective students, as well as academic and non-academic staff, will have a significant impact on how that institution is perceived.
Although a university’s brand reputation can be affected in the short term by its response in a crisis, its long-term reputation is also heavily tied up in its performance in university rankings and ratings.
Global Student Centre’s In country representation and Marketing provides institutions with insights into their Regionally perceived academic performance and how they are also perceived among regional employers, two factors that contribute to a university’s overall brand reputation.
For example, according to the 2021 ISS, both employee reputation and academic performance play a significant role in a student’s decision to attend a university.
The data revealed that 56% of respondents look for a high graduate employment rate when assessing an institution’s graduate outcomes.